API Documentation


Did something go wrong? It did? Use something from this module to deal with it.

exception djio.errors.DjioException(message: str, inner: Exception = None)[source]

Bases: Exception

This is a common base class for all custom djio exceptions.

__init__(message: str, inner: Exception = None)[source]
  • message – the exception message
  • inner – the exception that caused this exception

Get the inner exception that caused this exception. :return: the inner exception


Get the exception message. :return: the exception message


Working with geometries? Need help? Here it is!

class djio.geometry.Envelope(min_x: float, min_y: float, max_x: float, max_y: float, spatial_reference: djio.geometry.SpatialReference)[source]

Bases: djio.geometry.Polygon

An envelope represents the minimum bounding rectangle (minimum x and y values, along with maximum x and y values) defined by coordinate pairs of a geometry. All coordinates for the geometry fall within the envelope.

__init__(min_x: float, min_y: float, max_x: float, max_y: float, spatial_reference: djio.geometry.SpatialReference)[source]
  • min_x – the minimum X coordinate
  • min_y – the minimum Y coordinate
  • max_x – the maximum X coordinate
  • max_y – the maximum Y coordinate
  • spatial_reference – the spatial reference (or spatial reference ID) in which the coordinates are expressed
class djio.geometry.Geometry(shapely_geometry: <MagicMock id='140116819991240'>, spatial_reference: djio.geometry.SpatialReference = None)[source]

Bases: object

This is the common base class for all of the geometry types.

__init__(shapely_geometry: <MagicMock id='140116819991240'>, spatial_reference: djio.geometry.SpatialReference = None)[source]
  • shapely_geometry – a Shapely geometry
  • spatial_reference – the geometry’s spatial reference

How many dimensions does this geometry occupy? For example: a point is zero-dimensional (0); a line is one-dimensional (1); and a polygon is two-dimensional (2).

Returns:the dimensionality of the geometry

Get this geometry’s hash value.

Returns:the hash value

Get the envelope (bounding box) of the geometry.

Returns:the geometry’s envelope
flip_coordinates() → djio.geometry.Geometry[source]

Create a geometry based on this one, but with the X and Y axis reversed.

Returns:a new Geometry with reversed ordinals.
static from_ewkt() → djio.geometry.Geometry[source]

Create a geometry from EWKT, a PostGIS-specific format that includes the spatial reference system identifier an up to four (4) ordinate values (XYZM). For example: SRID=4326;POINT(-44.3 60.1) to locate a longitude/latitude coordinate using the WGS 84 reference coordinate system.

Parameters:ewkt – the extended well-known text (EWKT)
Returns:the geometry
static from_geoalchemy2(spatial_reference: djio.geometry.SpatialReference) → djio.geometry.Geometry[source]
static from_gml() → djio.geometry.Geometry[source]
static from_ogr(spatial_reference: djio.geometry.SpatialReference = None) → djio.geometry.Geometry[source]

Create a djio geometry from an OGR geometry.

  • ogr_geom – the OGR geometry
  • spatial_reference – the spatial reference

a djio geometry based on the OGR geometry


GeometryException – if the OGR has no spatial reference and no spatial reference is supplied

static from_shapely(spatial_reference: djio.geometry.SpatialReference) → djio.geometry.Geometry[source]

Create a new geometry based on a Shapely BaseGeometry.

  • shapely_geometry – the Shapely base geometry
  • spatial_reference – the spatial reference (or spatial reference ID)

the new geometry







static from_wkb(spatial_reference: djio.geometry.SpatialReference) → djio.geometry.Geometry[source]
static from_wkt(spatial_reference: djio.geometry.SpatialReference) → djio.geometry.Geometry[source]

Get this geometry’s type.

Returns:the geometry’s type
get_point_tuples() → Iterable[djio.geometry.PointTuple][source]

Get an ordered iteration of all the coordinates in the geometry as point tuples. :return: an enumeration of point tuples

iter_coords() → Iterable[Tuple[float, float]][source]

Retrieve the coordinates that define this geometry as a flattened, ordered iteration.

Returns:and ordered iteration of tuples that describe the geometry’s coordinates
project(preferred_spatial_reference: djio.geometry.SpatialReference = None, fallback_spatial_reference: djio.geometry.SpatialReference = 3857) → djio.geometry.Geometry[source]

Project (or re-project) this geometry.

  • preferred_spatial_reference – the preferred spatial reference
  • fallback_spatial_reference – a spatial reference that may be used as a “fallback” if the preferred spatial reference is not provided and a suitable projected spatial reference system isn’t available

a new, projected, geometry

See also



Get the Shapely geometry underlying this geometry object.

Returns:the Shapely geometry

Get the geometry’s spatial reference.

Returns:the geometry’s spatial reference
to_gml(version: int = 3) → str[source]

Export the geometry to GML.

Parameters:version – the desired GML version
Returns:the GML representation of the geometry

Get the OGR geometry equivalent of this geometry.

Returns:the OGR geometry equivalent
transform(spatial_reference: djio.geometry.SpatialReference) → djio.geometry.Geometry[source]

Create a new geometry based on this geometry but in another spatial reference.

Parameters:spatial_reference – the target spatial reference
Returns:the new transformed geometry
transform_to_utm() → djio.geometry.Geometry[source]

Transform this geometry to an appropriate UTM coordinate system based on its location.

Returns:the new geometry
exception djio.geometry.GeometryException(message: str, inner: Exception = None)[source]

Bases: djio.errors.DjioException

Raised when something goes wrong with a geometry.

class djio.geometry.GeometryType[source]

Bases: enum.IntFlag

These are the supported geometric data types.

class djio.geometry.LatLonTuple[source]

Bases: tuple

This is a lightweight tuple that represents a specific latitude and longitude


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1

class djio.geometry.LateralSides[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

This is a simple enumeration that identifies the lateral side of line (left or right).

LEFT = 'left'

the left side of the line

RIGHT = 'right'

the right side of the line

class djio.geometry.Point(shapely_geometry: <MagicMock id='140116820719488'>, spatial_reference: djio.geometry.SpatialReference = None)[source]

Bases: djio.geometry.Geometry

In modern mathematics, a point refers usually to an element of some set called a space. More specifically, in Euclidean geometry, a point is a primitive notion upon which the geometry is built, meaning that a point cannot be defined in terms of previously defined objects. That is, a point is defined only by some properties, called axioms, that it must satisfy. In particular, the geometric points do not have any length, area, volume or any other dimensional attribute. A common interpretation is that the concept of a point is meant to capture the notion of a unique location in Euclidean space.

__init__(shapely_geometry: <MagicMock id='140116820719488'>, spatial_reference: djio.geometry.SpatialReference = None)[source]
  • shapely_geometry – a Shapely geometry
  • spatial_reference – the geometry’s spatial reference

A point is zero-dimensional (0) :return: zero (0)

flip_coordinates() → djio.geometry.Point[source]

Create a point based on this one, but with the X and Y axis reversed.

Returns:a new Geometry with reversed ordinals.
static from_coordinates(y: float, spatial_reference: djio.geometry.SpatialReference, z: Union[float, NoneType] = None)[source]

Create a point from its coordinates.

  • x – the X coordinate
  • y – the Y coordinate
  • spatial_reference – the spatial reference (or spatial reference ID)
  • z – the Z coordinate

the new Point

static from_lat_lon(longitude: float) → djio.geometry.Point[source]

Create a geometry from a set of latitude, longitude coordinates.

  • latitude – the latitude
  • longitude – the longitude


static from_latlon_tuple() → djio.geometry.Point[source]

Create a point from a latitude/longitude tuple.

Parameters:latlon_tuple – the latitude/longitude tuple
Returns:the new point
static from_point_tuple() → djio.geometry.Point[source]

Create a point from a point tuple.

Parameters:point_tuple – the point tuple
Returns:the new point
static from_shapely(srid: int) → djio.geometry.Point[source]

Create a new point based on a Shapely point.

  • shapely – the Shapely point
  • srid – the spatial reference ID

the new geometry




Get the geometry type.

iter_coords() → Iterable[Tuple[float, float]][source]

Retrieve the coordinates that define this geometry. For a Point, the iteration shall contain a single set of coordinates. :return: an iteration containing a single tuple containing this point’s coordinates

to_latlon_tuple() → djio.geometry.LatLonTuple[source]

Get a lightweight latitude/longitude tuple representation of this point.

Returns:the latitude/longitude tuple representation of this point
to_point_tuple() → djio.geometry.PointTuple[source]

Get a lightweight tuple representation of this point.

Returns:the tuple representation of the point

Get the X coordinate.

Returns:the X coordinate

Get the Y coordinate.

Returns:the Y coordinate

Get the Z coordinate.

Returns:the Z coordinate
class djio.geometry.PointTuple[source]

Bases: tuple

This is a lightweight tuple that represents a point.


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 2

class djio.geometry.Polygon(shapely_geometry: <MagicMock id='140116820067496'>, spatial_reference: djio.geometry.SpatialReference = None)[source]

Bases: djio.geometry.Geometry

In elementary geometry, a polygon is a plane figure that is bounded by a finite chain of straight line segments closing in a loop to form a closed polygonal chain or circuit. These segments are called its edges or sides, and the points where two edges meet are the polygon’s vertices (singular: vertex) or corners. The interior of the polygon is sometimes called its body.

__init__(shapely_geometry: <MagicMock id='140116820067496'>, spatial_reference: djio.geometry.SpatialReference = None)[source]
  • shapely_geometry – a Shapely geometry
  • spatial_reference – the geometry’s spatial reference

A polygon is two-dimensional (2). :return: two (2)


Get the geometry type.

get_area(spatial_reference: Union[djio.geometry.SpatialReference, NoneType] = None) → <MagicMock id='140116820699400'>[source]
iter_coords() → Iterable[Tuple[float, float]][source]

Retrieve the polygon’s coordinates as a flattened enumeration. :return: an iteration containing the polyline’s coordinates

class djio.geometry.Polyline(shapely_geometry: <MagicMock id='140116844616112'>, spatial_reference: djio.geometry.SpatialReference = None)[source]

Bases: djio.geometry.Geometry

In geometry, a polygonal chain is a connected series of line segments. More formally, a polygonal chain P is a curve specified by a sequence of points (A1 , A2, … , An ) called its vertices. The curve itself consists of the line segments connecting the consecutive vertices. A polygonal chain may also be called a polygonal curve, polygonal path, polyline, piecewise linear curve, broken line or, in geographic information systems (that’s us), a linestring or linear ring.

__init__(shapely_geometry: <MagicMock id='140116844616112'>, spatial_reference: djio.geometry.SpatialReference = None)[source]
  • shapely_geometry – a Shapely geometry
  • spatial_reference – the geometry’s spatial reference

A polyline is one-dimensional (1) :return: one (1)


Get the geometry type.

iter_coords() → Iterable[Tuple[float, float]][source]

Retrieve the coordinates that define this line. :return: an iteration containing the polyline’s coordinates

class djio.geometry.Projector[source]

Bases: object

Use a projector to get a projected version of a geographic geometry, or to re-project a projected geometry.

static get_instance() → djio.geometry.Projector[source]

Get the shared projector instance. :return: the shared projector instance

static project(preferred_spatial_reference: djio.geometry.SpatialReference = None, fallback_spatial_reference: djio.geometry.SpatialReference = 3857) → djio.geometry.Geometry[source]

Project a geometry. :param geometry: the original geometry :param preferred_spatial_reference: the preferred spatial reference (If no preferred spatial reference is supplied, the projector will attempt to select an appropriate metric projection.) :param fallback_spatial_reference: the fallback spatial reference (if your preferred spatial reference isn’t available) :return: the projected geometry

static set_instance()[source]

Set the shared projector instance. :param projector: the shared projector

class djio.geometry.ProtoGeometry(spatial_reference: djio.geometry.SpatialReference = 4326, projector: djio.geometry.Projector = None)[source]

Bases: object

Use a proto-geometry build up a new geometry from individual coordinates.

__init__(spatial_reference: djio.geometry.SpatialReference = 4326, projector: djio.geometry.Projector = None)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

add(p: djio.geometry.Point)[source]

Add a point to the prototype’s exterior :param p: the new coordinate you want to add


Clear the current contents.

to_polygon() → djio.geometry.Polygon[source]

Create a Polygon from the contents of this proto-geometry. :return: the Polygon

to_polyline() → djio.geometry.Polyline[source]

Create a Polyline from the contents of this proto-geometry. :return: the Polyline

class djio.geometry.SpatialReference(srid: int)[source]

Bases: object

A spatial reference system (SRS) or coordinate reference system (CRS) is a coordinate-based local, regional or global system used to locate geographical entities. A spatial reference system defines a specific map projection, as well as transformations between different spatial reference systems.

__init__(srid: int)[source]
Parameters:srid – the well-known spatial reference ID
static from_srid() → djio.geometry.SpatialReference[source]
static get_utm_for_zone() → djio.geometry.SpatialReference[source]

Get the UTM (Universal Trans-Mercator) spatial reference for a given zone. :param zone: the UTM zone :return: the UTM spatial reference :raises SpatialReferenceException: if the UTM zone has no supported spatial reference

static get_utm_from_longitude() → djio.geometry.SpatialReference[source]

Get the UTM (Universal Trans-Mercator) spatial reference for a given longitude. :param longitude: the longitude :return: the UTM spatial reference :raises SpatialReferenceException: if the UTM zone has no supported spatial reference


Is this spatial reference geographic?

Returns:true if this is a geographic spatial reference, otherwise false

Is this a projected spatial reference system that measures linear units in single meters?

Returns:true if this is a projected spatial reference system that measures linear units in single meters

Is this spatial reference projected?

Returns:true if this is a projected spatial reference, otherwise false
is_same_as(other: djio.geometry.SpatialReference) → bool[source]

Test a spatial reference or SRID to see if it represents this spatial reference. :param other: the other spatial reference (or SRID) :return: True if the other parameter represents the same spatial reference, otherwise False


Get the OGR spatial reference.

Returns:the OGR spatial reference

Get the spatial reference’s well-known ID (srid).

Returns:the well-known spatial reference ID

Get the UTM (Universal Trans-Mercator) zone associated with this spatial reference. :return: the associated UTM zone

exception djio.geometry.SpatialReferenceException(message: str, inner: Exception = None)[source]

Bases: djio.errors.DjioException

Raised when something goes wrong with a spatial reference.


Need to know at a glance if two geometries are the same?

djio.hashing.bytes_to_int(b: bytes)[source]

Convert a byte array to an integer.

Parameters:b – the byte array
Returns:the integer
djio.hashing.djiohash_v1(geometry_type_code: int, srid: int, coordinates: Iterable[Tuple[float, float]], precision: int = 4) → bytearray[source]

This is the first version of the djio hashing algorithm.

  • geometry_type_code – an integer indicating the type of the geometry
  • srid – the numeric spatial reference ID
  • coordinates – a flattened, ordered iteration of coordinates in the geometry expressed as tuples
  • precision – the maximum precision (points behind decimal places) to consider in the supplied coordinates

a hash value for the geometry

djio.hashing.int_to_bytes(i: int, width: int, unsigned: bool = False, as_iterable: bool = False) → bytearray[source]

Convert an integer to a fixed-width byte array.

  • i – the integer
  • width – the number of bytes in the array
  • unsignedTrue if the sign of the int may be disregarded, otherwise False
  • as_iterable – when True the function returns a list of byte-sized int`s instead of a `bytearray.

the byte array